Overview of Seth’s Law (HB 385)
House Bill 385, or Seth’s Law, is a transformative piece of legislation developed through the collaborative efforts of the
Kentucky Judicial Commission on Mental Health. This high-level commission, established by the Kentucky Supreme Court, aims to implement significant changes for justice-involved individuals experiencing mental illness, substance use disorders, or intellectual and developmental disabilities. The legislation addresses two primary areas: guardianship and competency, representing a significant step forward in the state's approach to mental health and judicial processes.
Deputy Chief Justice Debra Hembree Lambert, Chair of the Kentucky Judicial Commission on Mental Health, emphasized the importance and impact of this legislation, stating, "With the passage of Seth's Law, we are taking a significant step forward in addressing the needs of individuals with mental health issues within our judicial system. This legislation, born out of true collaboration among diverse stakeholders, reflects our commitment to implementing meaningful reforms that prioritize the well-being and rights of those we serve. Seth’s Law enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of our legal processes. I am proud of the work accomplished by the Kentucky Judicial Commission on Mental Health and I am confident that this law will have a lasting positive impact on our state and communities."