Fayette District Court

Criminal/Traffic Division

Robert F. Stephens District Courthouse

150 N. Limestone, First Floor
Lexington, KY 40507
Open 24 hours a day, seven days a week
(closed only on Dec. 24 and Dec. 25)

The District Criminal/Traffic Division is the largest division in the Fayette County Office of Circuit Court Clerk and provides the following services:

  • Posts bail bonds
  • Collects fines and court costs for prepayable citations, which can be made by calling 1-877-211-1587
  • Processes and releases liens on property bonds
  • Provides 24-hour access to petition for emergency protective orders

District Civil Division

Robert F. Stephens District Courthouse

150 N. Limestone, First Floor
Lexington, KY 40507

8 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Friday

The District Civil Division processes civil complaints involving $5000 or less, forcible entry/detainer (eviction) petitions and postjudgment remedies such as garnishments and executions.

This division also processes administrative board appeals, juvenile permissions to marry, petitions to enforce or prevent cremation, and student hardship driver's license cases.

Small Claims Division

Robert F. Stephens District Courthouse

150 N. Limestone, Suite D-112
Lexington, KY 40507

8 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Friday

The Small Claims Division handles claims for cases involving $2,500 or less. Small claims cases are typically filed by self-represented individuals who are handling their case without assistance from an attorney. The Small Claims Division offers an information packet on how to file a small claims case. The Small Claims Handbook also provides guidance on the small claims process.

Forcible Detainer Division

Robert F. Stephens District Courthouse

150 N. Limestone, Suite D-112
Lexington, KY 40507
8 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Friday

The Forcible Detainer Division provides legal forms necessary to file a forcible detainer (landlord-tenant law) complaint.

Notice: Written notice should be given to the tenant prior to filing per KRS 383.660-383.695. Notice given in the form of a:

  • 7-day notice: can file on the 8th day
  • 14-day notice: can file on the 15th day
  • 30-day notice: can file on the 31st day

Warrant for Possession: A warrant for possession may be requested by calling the District Civil Division at 859-246-4150 between the 8th and 30th day after the forcible detainer judgment is entered. When requesting a warrant for possession, you must include the court date provided on your judgment of eviction, the case number, the defendant's name and the defendant's address.

You must also call the sheriff or constable of your choice to schedule an appointment for them to be present when the property is removed. Pursuant to local court policy, a warrant of possession may not be issued beyond 30 days following entry of your forcible detainer judgment without motioning the court and providing proper notice to the defendant.

Probate Division

Robert F. Stephens District Courthouse

150 N. Limestone, Suite D-112
Lexington, KY 40507
8 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Friday

The Probate Division processes pleadings and judicial orders that validate wills, appoint executors or administrators, and settle estates. This division also handles guardianship for individuals under age 17, trusts, curatorships, settlements for minors, and name changes for adults and children.

Mental Health Division

Robert F. Stephens District Courthouse

150 N. Limestone, Suite D-352
Lexington, KY 40507​
8 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Friday

The Mental Health Division assists individuals who are petitioning for:

  • Emergency or permanent guardianship of an individual who can no longer manage his or her own personal affairs or finances
  • Involuntary commitment or treatment of an adult
  • Involuntary admission of a mentally handicapped person

This division processes petitions for involuntary commitment/treatment, new disability petitions, and modifications/termination of guardianship or restoration of rights. This division also processes motions and pleadings, annual financial reports and judicial orders.

While cases in this division are confidential by statute, the order of appointment, judgments and orders affecting judgments are public record.

Juvenile Division

Robert F. Stephens District Courthouse

150 N. Limestone, Suite D-442
Lexington, KY 40507
8 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Friday

The Juvenile Division processes cases involving dependency, neglect or abuse; status offenses (beyond control and truancy); and juvenile criminal offenses (offenses that would be criminal if the party were an adult). This division also handles paternity cases.

All juvenile cases are confidential by Kentucky statute. Information about these cases will only be given in person to a party in the case or those authorized by statute. No information will be given out over the phone. A photo ID is required.

Fayette District Court