Judicial Vacancies

Judicial Vacancies

Judicial Nominating Commission 

The Judicial Nominating Commission helps fill judicial vacancies by appointment when a vacancy occurs outside of the election cycle. The Kentucky Constitution established the Judicial Nominating Commission (KY. CONST. § 118; SCR 6.000, et seq.).

See vacancies below.  

Composition of Judicial Nominating Commissions

There are 61 nominating commissions in Kentucky, one for the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals, one for each judicial circuit and one for each judicial district. If the circuit and district have the same boundaries, then one commission serves both.

Each commission has seven members and is comprised of the chief justice of Kentucky (who serves as chair), two attorneys elected by all attorneys in the vacancy’s jurisdiction and four non-attorney Kentucky citizens who are appointed by the governor. The four citizens must equally represent the two major political parties.

JNC members must reside in the circuit or district they represent and may not hold any other public office or hold an office in a political party or organization. They serve four-year terms. Members reimbursed for expenses for the days they perform their duties but are not compensated for their services. The JNC executive secretary provides administrative support and maintains the records for the nominating commissions. 

Application Process

When a judicial vacancy occurs, the JNC executive secretary notifies all attorneys and the public in the affected judicial circuit or district. Attorneys can recommend someone or nominate themselves for the vacancy. Interested attorneys must complete an application and return it to the JNC executive secretary.

The chief justice meets with the JNC to select three nominees and then forwards those names to the governor. The names of the three nominees are listed in alphabetical order without indicating the commission’s preference. The governor must appoint a judge from this list of three. If the governor does not appoint a judge within 60 days of receiving the list of nominees, the appointment is made by the chief justice from the list of nominees.

Current Vacancies

​47th Judicial District 
Vacancy for Letcher County

James Nicholas Whitaker, Jackhorn​​

Ashley Nicole Strurgell, Whitesburg
Michael Ruben Watts II, Whitesburg
James Nicholas Whitaker, Jackhorn​​

​​50th Judicial District, Division 1
Vacancy for Letcher County

Whitney Zimmerman, Harrodsburg

Christopher Kala Herron, Danville
Whitney Zimmerman Johns, Harrodsburg
Christopher Joel Red, Danville​

​​​​​​​​​5th Appellate District, Division 1
Vacancy for Bourbon, Clark, Fayette, Franklin, Jessamine, Madison, Scott and Woodford counties

William Patrick Moynahan, Lexington
Todd Smith Page, Lexington
​Lucy A. VanMeter, Lexington​

​​​No vacancies posted at this time.