Zach Ramsey, AOC Director

​​​Zach​ Ramsey is the director of the Administrative Office of the Courts, the operations arm of the Kentucky court system. He began serving in his role Dec. 1, 2024, after being appointed by the Supreme Court of Kentucky.

Prior to joining the Judicial Branch, Ramsey was a program management and technology consultant. He has more than 25 years of experience in government healthcare and is a licensed Kentucky attorney.

Ramsey was an associate partner and account leader for IBM Consulting, where he had worked since February 2018. He managed teams and programs that deliver technology solutions and other services to healthcare programs at the state and local government levels. His selection as director comes at a time when the Judicial Branch is focused on implementing a new court case management system and the next evolution of electronic case filing.

The Supreme Court selected Ramsey from more than 30 applicants after a national search.

He previously served in state government for 12 years before moving to the private sector, first as assistant general counsel for the Cabinet for Health and Family Services from 1995-2001 and then as director of the Medicaid Integrity Program for the cabinet from 2001-2008.

Ramsey received a Bachelor of Science degree from Purdue University and a juris doctor from the University of Kentucky College of Law (now the University of Kentucky J. David Rosenberg College of Law).​

The AOC supports the activities of nearly 3,300 court system employees and 412 elected justices, judges and circuit court clerks. As the fiscal agent for the state court system, the AOC executes the Judicial Branch budget.​

Official portrait of AOC Director, Zach Ramsey.

​AOC Director
​1001 Vandalay Drive
​​Frankfort, KY 40601