Resources for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (ADA)

​​​​​​​​​​​The Office of Language Access (OLA) is committed to ensuring that those who are deaf or hard of hearing have full access to Kentucky's courts. This page has been created to allow the OLA to communicate directly with the Deaf community to share important information and resources related to services provided by the Kentucky Court of Justice and protections guaranteed through the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Please visit this page often as new information will be posted frequent​ly.

Office of Language Access Complaint Process​​​

Click here for the online complaint form.

Click here for instructions in written English.

What services are covered for the Deaf/HH under the ADA?

  • American Sign Language Interpreters (ASLI)
  • Oral Interpreters
  • Communication Access in Real Time Translation (CART)
  • Assisted listening devices


  • According to ADA standard, it is the responsibility of the individual who is Deaf/HH to inform the entity that they need an interpreter or service prior to their first court appearance.
  • Courts, Judges and Court Personnel are encouraged to consult with the Deaf/HH person to discuss what service is appropriate.

Kentucky Court of Justice Jury Duty and Deaf/HH jurors

  • Once a prospective juror has identified him/herself as wanting an accommodation, the jury office reviews the request and provides such reasonable accommodation as will satisfy the need of the individual.