Legal Training for Dependency, Neglect and Abuse Cases

The Administrative Office of the Courts is responsible for preparing attorneys to provide legal representation to dependent, neglected and abused children throughout Kentucky.

The Legal Training for Dependency, Neglect and Abuse Cases Program offers training seminars, educational materials and other resources to meet its goal of producing highly qualified guardian's ad litem. The curriculum focuses on Kentucky statutory and case law and the federal requirements set forth in the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act and the Adoption and Safe Families Act.

More than 13,000 Kentucky children are in state custody after being removed from their homes due to dependency, neglect or abuse. Federal and state laws mandate that these children be placed in permanent homes. Guardians ad litem play an important role in ensuring that they receive fair and expeditious attention from the judicial system and are placed in appropriate homes in a timely manner.

In 2020, the Supreme Court amended its​ Family Court Rules of Procedure and Practice to include Kentucky’s first comprehensive set of statewide rules and standards governing court-appointed attorneys in child welfare cases. One of the requirements is completion of the AOC’s DNA training.​

Training Seminars

​​The Department of Family & Juvenile Services is pleased to announce that the Legal Training for Dependency, Neglect and Abuse cases will return to an in-person, one-day format starting in May. Each training is tentatively scheduled from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. local time. The agenda, materials and other details will be shared prior to each training. 

May 16, 2025

Laurel County Health Department
525 Whitley St., London, KY 40741

May 23, 2025

Pennyrile Area Development District
300 Hammond Drive, Hopkinsville, KY 42240

June 16, 2025

Administrative Office of the Courts
1001 Vandalay Drive, Frankfort, KY 40601

Register Here!

If you have any questions, please contact us at​

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